The mid day and afternoon was full of smiles and numerous visitors; great grandparents from Indiana, plus Uncles Steve, Duane, and Ryan, Aunt Cindy, and second cousins Chelsey and Mary Rachel. By 5:30 the long day was taking it's toll and pain management was high of the list of needs, hopefully the care team will be one step ahead of the pain.
Genevieve does cry a great deal...her cry has not reached into her belly is muffled and she draws air to wail...only to have it come out at half volume. I know what parents in the support group mean now...nothing like the sound of a child with a strong cry...I get it.
Food is still an issue, she has made huge progress in keeping formula down, yet is only taking between 8 - 10 ounces in a 24 hour period. Normal intake for an almost 5 month old is 24 ounces. Now that she will be able to rest, she should work up an appetite. She has been switched to all oral meds, part of getting her ready for home recovery.
Pics from the day:
L to R: Buddy, Great Grandpa Tom, Uncle Steve, Great Grandma Mary and 3/4 of Uncle Duane.
L to R: Great Granndma Mary, Uncle Duane, Chelsey (recent 3.8 high school grad!) Mary Rachel, Ryan and Aunt Cindy.
Uncle Ryan and Genevieve getting caught up.
God bless you all. I hope the worst is behind and only good things to come. I'm sure your blog has been a blessing to you (therapeutically), but what a blessing to others. Thank you.
Mike Burns
Community Church
Please please give us an update on Genevieve.
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