Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday Night - At Home -Yeah!!

Genevieve is doing okay, Hillary will take her in for a look see tomorrow, Saturday. Her tube sutures don't seem to be healing as well as her princess suture, she is running a temp, we know better than to sit on our hands.

Genevieve faces some boredom now, we do all we can to imitate Meredith and standing on our collective heads. Meredith had a much desired respite tonight with her friends, dinner and a movie...the rest of us are left to imitate the funny, words-we-don't-know or-can pronounce imitation of Aunt Meredith -we -love- you -the -most -proclamations.

We do fine when a team member is absent, but better when we are all here. The human flaws of our safety net, we know this all too well.

Can I say and mean, we are all good? I don't know? Every moment is congtingent upon the next.

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